The new AFA Stud Manager, Shannon Mitchell, has hit the ground running with the start of shearing and fleece weighing of the 2017 drop rams coinciding with his first day at AFA. Originally from Hay, Shannon comes to us from the Haddon Rig Stud, where he has been the Overseer for the past 7 years. Shannon brings a practical commercial outlook to the Stud Team; we look forward to the role he will play for the business and to introducing him to our Clients over the coming months. Shannon is replacing Angus Munro, who after 6 years as Stud Manager, is a making a move to the Mendooran district to join his fiancé, Ro Sweeney, on a family property. Fortunately Angus will remain an integral part of the AFA Stud Team; he is taking up a consultancy role as AFA Stud Breeding Manager and will continue to have a very strong connection with the Wanganella and Poll Boonoke Sheep and Clients. Angus will accompany AFA Sheep to Shows and remains a point of contact for the AFA Stud Business. Angus will also be available for additional flock classing work.
Shannon Mitchell ~ 0488 601 603 /
Angus Munro ~ 0437 929 195 /
Angus Munro & Shannon Mitchell
Boonoke Woolshed, 9 April 2018