THANK YOU to all successful Buyers and Underbidders for your support at our 2016 Ram Auction. We appreciated the interest shown in our genetics by so many attending the day.
Overall result for the sale was 193 rams sold out of 200 offered for an average of $3,511 and a top of $44,000 for a Poll Boonoke ram and $22,000 for a Wanganella ram.
The Wanganella shedded March shorn rams averaged $8,583 and the paddock rams averaged $2,364, while the Poll Boonoke shedded March shorn rams averaged $8,588 and the paddock rams averaged $2,857.
80 years after Otway Falkiner offered the first drop of Poll Boonoke rams in 1936, George Falkiner and his Stud Manager Andy McLean were in attendance to purchase the top priced Poll Boonoke ram for their 8 year old Haddon Rig Poll Merino Stud. Paying $44,000 for PB150338, inclusive of all semen rights, George and Andy also paid out $10,000 for PB150274 and $8,000 for PB150295.
Securing the top priced Wanganella ram was a joint effort for two South Australian Merino Studs. Ian & Fiona Koch’s Bunyara Stud at Moculta and Garry & Joe Murdoch’s North Cowie Stud at Warooka went to $22,000 to ensure they could take W151992 home. Garry & Joe also took a liking to Lot 3, paying $8,000 for W151259.
Return buyer Rodger Mathews from Corowa took home two sires, spending $15,000 on Wanganella 150812 for his Borambil Merino Stud and $20,000 on Poll Boonoke 150314 for the Borambil Poll Merino Stud.
Another big buyer on the day was Rodney Kent’s Kurrajong Stud at Delungra, purchasing W151002 for $16,000, PB150129 for $6,000 and PB150400 for $4,000.
Ken & Alex Karsten returned to purchase another Wanganella sire for their Kiawarra Stud at Weethalle, paying $12,000 for W150597. While Greg Andrews from the Hamilton Run Poll Stud at Jamestown, SA went to $15,000 to secure PB150763. First time buyers Mac & John Wallace from Wanganella, NSW paid $8,000 for their Wanganella Sire W150131.
Rams were despatched to buyers in NSW, Victoria and South Australia and there were 15 new breeders who were successful in securing Wanganella and Poll Boonoke genetics at the auction out of the 26 new registrations.
Flock rams are available for private selection and semen orders can be submitted by completing a semen order form, which is available on-line.
Haddon Rig purchased three Poll Boonoke rams PB150295 for $8,000, PB150274 for $10,000 and PB150338 for $44,000.
Pictured with the rams are Stuart Murdoch (Haddon Rig Stud Representative), Angus Munro (Poll Boonoke Stud Manager), George Falkiner (Haddon Rig Stud Principal) and Andy McLean (Haddon Rig Stud Manager)
Poll Boonoke 150338
Top Priced Poll Boonoke Ram
Purchased by Haddon Rig for $44,000
(inclusive of all semen rights)
Pictured with PB150338 are George Falkiner (Haddon Rig Principal), Colin Bell (AFA Chairman), Andy McLean (Haddon Rig Stud Manager) & Angus Munro (Poll Boonoke Stud Manager
Poll Boonoke 150338
Photographed with AFA Chairman Colin Bell & Haddon Rig Stud Principal George Falkiner
Poll Boonoke 150338
Superb Woolled Poll Merino Sire
Top priced Wanganella Ram purchased in conjunction by Bunyara Merino Stud, Moculta and North Cowie Merino Stud, Warooka for $22,000.
Pictured holding W151992 is Angus Munro (Wanganella Stud Manager) while Garry & Joe Murdoch (North Cowie Stud Principals) hold their other Wanganella ram purchase W151259. Absent are Ian & Fiona Koch, Bunyara Stud.
Wanganella 151002
Purchased by Kurrajong Park Stud for $16,000 Kurrajong Park also purchased PB150129 for $6,000 and PB150400 for $4,000.
Pictured are: John Croake (AWN), Jade Lane (Kurrajong Park Overseer), Rodney & Ron Kent (Kurrajong Park Principals) and Angus Munro (Wanganella Stud Manager).
Poll Boonoke150314 & Wanganella 150812 Purchased by Borambil Park Stud for $20,000 and $15,000
Pictured are Rodger Mathews (Borambil Park Stud Principal) with PB150314 and Angus Munro (AFA Stud Manager) with W150812
Wanganella 150597 purchased by the Kiawarra Merino Stud for $12,000
Pictured with W150597 are Ken Karsten (Kiawarra Stud Principal), Tim McMeekin (Elders), Alex Karsten (Kiawarra) and Angus Munro (Wanganella Stud Manager)
Poll Boonoke 150763 purchased for $15,000 by Hamilton Run Poll Stud
Pictured with PB150763 are Greg Andrews (Hamilton Run Stud Principal) and Angus Munro (Poll Boonoke Stud Manager)
Wanganella 150131 purchased by Mac & John Wallace, North Run, Wanganella for $8,000.
Pictured with W150131 are Mac & John Wallace and Angus Munro.