15 – 17 July 2022
The Champion March Shorn Australian Merino All Purpose Ram ribbon was an excellent conclusion to CMB’s (PB211143) time on the show mat at the 2022 Australian Sheep & Wool Show in July after winning the Reserve Champion March Shorn Fine/Medium Wool Poll Ram and the Reserve Junior Champion Fine/Medium Wool Ram ribbons.
Judged by both a Wool Judge and a Sheep Meat Judge, entries into the various Australian Merino All Purpose wool type classes must be March shorn and showing no more than 2 permanent teeth. Their fleece tests and their eye muscle and fat depth measurements are utilised in the judging process.
PB211143 carries the name CMB in memory of AFA’s founding Chairman Colin Morton Bell, who passed away in March 2022 after a long and debilitating illness. Sired by M190008 out of dam PB191317, CMB’s fleece measurements are FD 20.1, SD 2.6, CV 12.9 and CF 99.8, while his EMD was 44.0 mm with Fat Depth of 8.0 mm.

CMB (PB211143) held by Angus Munro