Wednesday 15 September at Boonoke, Conargo
60 Wanganella Rams
150 Poll Boonoke Rams
Auction commences at 1.00 pm
Rams penned for inspection from 9.00 am
Auction interfaced on AuctionsPlus
Videos have been prepared for all of the auction rams and can be accessed via the following YouTube playlist links
Poll Boonoke Shedded Auction Rams Lots 1 – 11
Wanganella Shedded Auction Rams Lots 12 – 16
Wanganella Paddock Auction Rams Lots 17 – 71
Poll Boonoke Paddock Auction Rams Lots 72 – 110
Poll Boonoke Paddock Auction Rams Lots 111 – 160
Poll Boonoke Paddock Auction Rams Lots 161 – 210
A single page print out is also available for the shedded auction rams, Lots 1 – 16, by clicking here.
The AFA Stud Team are available to assist with any queries you may have regarding the auction and the rams on offer, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Justin Campbell – 0427 262 956
Angus Munro – 0437 929 195
Forbes Murdoch – 0429 358 590
Chris Bowman – 0429 935 101
Boonoke Office – 1800 675 729 /